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Jan 2017 (新年放假通知)
Tel: +852 2713 3484     Email: sales@Source-EC.com     Website: Source-EC.com
Holiday Greetings
Lunar New Year 春節
親愛的朋友,在鑼鼓漫天的新年送上我們真摯的祝福。祝愿您能享受節日假期的歡樂時光,留下充滿喜悅的回憶。 請留意我們將於1月28日-2月1日休息,2月2日正常上班。

Dear Pals, Holiday Greetings! We wish you and family happiness in Lunar New Year. May your holiday be filled with joy and cherished memories. Please kindly noted that our office will be closed on 28th Jan to 1st Feb and opened on 2nd Feb.
SourceEC - Corporate Gift Online

Successful Case
Wyeth 惠氏
    Tel Email Website
HONG KONG +852 2713 3484 sales@Source-EC.com hk.Source-EC.com
MACAU +853 6297 4415 macau@Source-EC.com hk.Source-EC.com
SINGAPORE +65 3158 6052 sales@SourceEC.sg SourceEC.sg
TAIWAN +886 02-2593 3233 sales@SourceEC.tw SourceEC.tw

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Sender Information (發送者資料)
Source EC: Corporate Gift Online
Company(公司): Cartals Limited
Tel(電話): Hong Kong +852 2713 3484 | Macau +853 6297 4415 | Singapore +65 3158 6052 | Taiwan +886 2-2593 3233
Address(地址): Head Office : Room 517, 5/F, Kwong Loong Tai Bldg, 1016-1018 Tai Nan West Street, Lai Chi Kok, KLN, HK
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